This page refers to lesser known or uncommon experiences some systems may encounter in their day-to-day lives. These are not to be shunned, but understood. New experiences will be listed as seen fit.
- Some systems appear to have the subjective experience of being able to project themselves in a non-physical manner or impose themselves upon the world. This may be consciously practiced or be a natural skill that some have. These projections are distinguished from pathological hallucinations by their benign and non-psychotic nature - they do not cause real-world issues or result in episodes of psychosis, and the system experiencing projection can still discern reality from fantasy, negating any hint of delusion. In some cases projection may be interpreted as spiritual.
- Some systems appear to have set "themes", be that all being the same gender, species, or some other kind of major similarity they all share. This is not a sign of anything wrong or any sort of issue, but can be a weird quirk or trait that just happened to come into being in that particular system. This may also be representative of some external experience that was internalized as the system was still forming, or something neurological for said system.
- Some systems have system members who are systems themselves, meaning that inside of their headspace there is a person who also shares their body with two or more people. This works similarly to the way a system works in the external world, with the only difference in some cases being that the body inside of the headspace changes depending on who is in control.
- Occasionally there may be a system that consists mostly or entirely of walk-ins. This is often found in tulpamancy systems, but there are a few other system types that encounter this too.
- Some system members may experience themselves as being bonded or "tied" to another system member while identifying themselves as distinct from those system members. These tied system members may be closer to each other than the rest of their system, or have unusual interpersonal abilities related to being tied together.